Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Meechless Christmas Cards

As some of you have seen (more stamps and mailing today) Meechie- aka Baby D is not on our Christmas card. I struggled with whether or not to include him. We are trying to prepare ourselves and the kids for him leaving very soon. As difficult as it was to leave him out, this was one way of me preparing myself. He is still with us today and should be a few more weeks.
He is now as much a part of our family as he has been for the past 11 months, but the sad reality is he won't be very soon. He starts his 4 hour community visit with his aunt this week in her home, his new home. At this point we are all doing okay about it. The kids, especially Anna, are happy that he will be with his family. We can only have faith in God that He knows what is best for Meech and for all of us.
We will miss him so much and I can't even think about the day he leaves, but until then we will take each moment together as a blessing. Even two year old tantrum moments:) We will stay as positive as we can and try to accept the things we can't change. Continued prayers are appreciated for all involved. 

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