Most of the people who I grew up with
Or those that know my parents, my sister or myself -
Know my Aunt Jean.
Most of those people called her "aunt" Jean.

She was the closest thing I had to a grandparent after the age of 8.
She was at every holiday, birthday, parade, performance and at my moms for dinner most every Sunday for about 20 years.
She was the older sister of my grandma Strasser.

Outliving her younger sister by 27 years.

She had some stories from her younger days that I loved hearing.

And I am pretty sure I never heard the really good ones.
She was the one picking up wrapping paper at every party and serving ice cream. She always had "green gum" and the smell makes me think of her.
She came over once a week to watch Corey and Anna while I picked up jake from Kindergarten. And even in her early eighties she was sharp as a whip.

She was independent and a very proud woman. I cannot remember anything in our life important that she wasn't a part of.

She was not a lovey hugger- but that did not mean she didn't make you feel loved.

She was my "babysitter" on Saturday nights and my golden girl companion.
She had some wonderful friends, two sons and a grandson.

A few years ago we started noticing signs of dimentia.
She was struggling and living alone in her house. She did not want to leave, but it was not safe for her to stay.
So she moved into a dependent living facility.
Not long after Alzheimer's set in and took this woman who had known us all so well.
For the past year her body has been here, but her mind as we knew her was no longer here.
I pray that when she got to Heaven yesterday she only remembers the wonderful things-

the happy things.

That she will see herself as the independent
proud and Godly woman we knew.

The woman who we named our daughter after - our Emma Jean.

This Thursday we will say our final goodbye- coincidentally enough- on Emma's birthday. 6 years to the day (even a Thursday) we said hello and goodbye. Rest in Peace Aunt Jean. You will never be forgotten...