Until Now

Tuesday night we had tickets to the New kids. Many years of my life revolved around the new kids- because Sis loved them. She loved Donnie and had him plastered floor to ceiling on her walls, her bed sheets, blankets, clothes and even the strap of her esprit bag had buttons all over it. She followed them around town found them at Kings Island and was an ever faithful fan. When they came back a few years ago the love was still there. Donnie Wahlburg can make her heart flutter and her cheeks redden like nothing else. She has been to recent concerts- but not like this one.
This one she won the ultimate VIP tickets - meet and greet before hand and the most amazing seats I have ever seen!
She was so excited and nervous she could barely stand it and when it was our turn to walk behind the curtain - we both said hello and hugged Jordan and Danny and then he was there- I stopped to tell Donnie how my sister had loved him for 25 years - to which he looked over to her and mockingly nodded his head and made the little "talk too much" motion with his hand- not the first or the last person to feel that way;) then sis had her chance to walk up to him laughing and smiling. She was so happy. She squeezed him and patted his belly while she stood there for the picture. He called her by her name "he said Julie!!!" And said I love you when she walked away- she stopped at Joe on her way out who told her he was "offended" with a smile.I stood by Jon who was about as sweet and genuine as anyone I have ever met.
That was a great experience- and then we saw our seats.

That was a great experience- and then we saw our seats.

We were so close she had her hands on the stage the whole time.

The show was amazing and we screamed along at the top of our lungs with every song- old and new.

The show was amazing and we screamed along at the top of our lungs with every song- old and new.
We were eye to eye with the guys on more than one occasion and even though they are in their 40's they can still move!
So the heat in the venue was near unbearable- the guy who was in charge of the stage gave us a leftover bottle of water - never opened and meant for Jeff from 98 degrees.
We were so close we felt like we were apart of the show. It was an amazing experience and I was so happy to be able to see this with Sis.
Even though a few of her 90's NKOTB counterparts said by had put their time in and I came In for the big one!
Meeting and hugging Donnie- being VIP- these are the amazing things we will remember together. So the after party was a bust- we will concentrate on the positives and amazing things we experienced together! I have to admit even after standing and sweating for two hours if someone offered us the chance again I would take it in a heartbeat. I am a bigger fan now than I was before.