Thursday, April 14, 2011
Loving You completely
against my hand
the realization
of what was really in God's plan
the weight of your body
the length of your toes
praying to hear you cry
learning to let go
wrapping you in a blanket
giving you to some man
watching him walk away with you
leaving me with empty hands
devastatingly dealing
with emotions that were new
living with the realness
that we had lost you
two years later
visiting your grave site
the closest I can get to you
no chance to hold you tight
instead I am here
memories to help me hold on
loving you completely
even though you are gone
Happy Birthday Connor
I love you baby
Happy Birthday Connor
As for today, I started off the day by going to buy Wyatt a Big Brother shirt since he is Connor's Big Brother. Then I went to get plates and napkins for Connor's party. I chose Cars for him. I figure Wyatt likes cars and our little friend Aiden, who is almost 2, loves Connor would too. Mom and Dad are picking him up a cake and we are heading out to make his Build a Bear in a little while. We are also making our donation to Children's today from Emma and Connor's Snuggle Buddies. We have collected so many toys and blankets for the babies in the NICU. After we drop them off we plan on heading to the cemetery to sing Happy Birthday and decorate Connor's stone. These are the birthday plans in the life of a family who has lost a child....not exactly how we plan to celebrate our child's birth, but so happy we are able to do this as a family. I will post pictures tomorrow of our celebration....
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
For Sarah on her Birthday ....
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Connor's week is coming .....
Thinking of the week leading up to Connor's birth I don't remember much. I remember sitting in a church pew the morning of my induction. T.J., myself and many older people. Taking one last chance to pray for my son. To pray for strength, to pray for understanding. I was so scared, not knowing what to expect. Would I deliver him still, would I watch him die? Would I labor for days and end up with a c-section? Would I be okay? Would my family be there? Would we have a chance to baptize him? Would I have pictures of him? Would Anna be able to be with us? I had sat in the same church pew for the last 9 months, watching other pregnant woman come back to church babies in tow. I had a huge round belly and felt kicks and knocks constantly. I had love and affection for this living baby I was carrying. How could I deliver him and give him back to God? That is how pictured it as I carried him in my belly. I was given this gift and this amazing time to love him. To help teach others around me the love of a Mother, to find beauty in imperfection, to find bliss in pain. I had him for a time and I would give him back to God.
As I sat in that pew I did not pray for a miracle. I know many other people had, but I never expected that. God made my son the way he was and he was not meant to live on this Earth.

If I could have written out the way things would go in the situation we were given, this would have been it. The time we spent with him was all I could have ever asked for. Looking back I can see that. Looking back it doesn't sting like it did before, it is different. It is like the more time that passes the grief changes. You start to lose little parts of the memories you had and miss different things.
I miss everything about the person that he would be, everyday. I long for the touch of my beautiful son. I sometimes stare at his pictures just wishing I could feel his skin or to peel his little fingernails. I miss the smell of him, which is fading from the blanket I had him wrapped in and I sometimes physically ache because I want to hold him so bad. The feelings aren't always this strong,but birthdays and Anniversaries bring up the emotions down deep. I am proud that we have made it to where we are and as I think back to this week 2 years ago I can smile knowing that we made it and that Connor is smiling down on us.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Happy Birthday B -Man
Super Wy....tomorrow you will be 3! You have become such a cool little person over the last year. You are no longer a baby, but a big boy. You are so smart, quick witted and snuggily too. You love your apple juice and your kiki and have watched “b-man” about 300 times. Some days I feel as if I have you figured out and then other days you leave me scratching my head as to how best to handle your “boy-ness”! As all moms do on their children's birthday I can't help but to think back to the day you were born. I was here at our house, deep in grief. It had only been weeks since we had lost Emma and I was still trying to figure out how to live my new normal. I had no idea that across town your birth mother was going to have you. She was at the hospital being prepped for a c-section. I am sure deep down she knew that when she had you she would not see you grow up. The demons within her had caused her to lose her other 3 children, but she took great care of you while you were in her belly. She kept herself healthy and made sure you were as well. As I was grieving the loss of my baby, God was helping your birth mom to make the right decisions to bring you into this world. 3 years ago tomorrow you were brought into this world a wonderful little boy. Big Brown eyes like your birth mom and a gorgeous face. I wish I could hop back in time and see you so tiny...but I wouldn't change how our lives formed together for anything. You are my baby and you always will be! Getting to be your mom is the greatest gift anyone could ask for. You are a wonderful brother (sometimes a bother as Anna says), grandson, cousin, friend and son. You have helped to heal mommy and daddy's hearts with your smile and your crazy ways. You are 100% boy and are teaching me a little more of what that entails everyday. I can't wait to watch you grow and see the person you become!