Saturday, June 20, 2015

Father's Day for Daddy

The best Daddy any child could dream of

A fun, kind and happy Daddy who always has time for his kids. 
A Daddy who leads by example and works hard everyday for our family
A daddy who has his little girl wrapped around his finger

And has found a buddy and troublemaking partner in his son.

A Daddy who will always stop to snuggle 
A Daddy who loves completely 

A Daddy who will teach the things he knows and continue to learn from his kids
A Daddy who has whole heartedly helped to Father the fatherless

A Daddy who is a better man than he knew he could be. 
The man who has helped to make my dreams come true
The daddy who continues to make us happy and proud everyday.

Happy Father's Day to the best daddy anyone could ask for

I posted the above last year - as I thought about many of the things I wanted to say about the incredible daddy my kids are so blessed to have I realized this already said most of them. We are lucky 
We have a man in our lives who works hard every day to give us an amazing life. 
Over the past year we have had so many changes saying goodbye to meech -

And saying hello to Sam -
We are so lucky to have a daddy who continues to take each change in stride.
Who takes time to spend with all of his babies. 

A daddy who makes each of us a priority everyday.
When I was little I always hoped I would find a husband who was as a good of a father as the one God gave me. 
I am so blessed and happy to say that I did.
I have found someone who loves me and goes along with my hair brained ideas.
Someone who is funny and caring and is showing our son what it means to be a real man.
A daddy who makes us feel safe when we are scared. 
Someone who treats our girls like gold and sets an example for how a lady should be treated. 
This Father's Day I want to say thank you again for being the best daddy our kids could ever ask for. 

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