As I sat at children's Hospital with TJ this morning, no children around us, because we were the patients; i realized that just over 8 years ago I had never heard of Anencephaly. Then my niece, Avery, was born and passed away. I still didn't know much about it. To be quite honest I had no idea how to pronounce it.
Today as I sat in a Human Genetics Office I am quite certain I knew more about it than the med student. I have spent the last 5 years researching, asking questions, reading, anything I can do to wrap my head around this horrible defect. For the last 5 years I have tried to find somewhere to go, Someone to listen. Someone to acknowledge that this was more than a fluke.
Four years and 3 months ago I stood in an ultrasound room. I had been told my son had Anencephaly. I then said I wanted to speak to someone in genetics. I wanted an appointment to see why this had happened again. The perinatologist office got Genetics on the phone - I was told that day there was no use for us to come in. No bloodwork to be done, no counseling, no nothing.
If I have learned anything in the past 5 years it is how to be an advocate. For myself, for my children and for my future. I have learned that if you want something done you have to keep trying. I never wanted a concrete "reason" or a definitive answer. I just wanted someone to listen. Someone to hear our story and to tell us anything!
Today we got that chance. We were able to spend two hours in the Human Genetics Department at Cincinnati, Childrens. We saw a Genetic Counselor who asked questions and actually cared about the answers. She asked about how we coped with our losses, about the support I had with Prenatal Parnters For Life, they asked about everything I had written in my emails - which made me realize they all took the time to read them. They asked about our family history and my pregnancies. Which still to this day I seem to know dates and details like it was yesterday. She was kind and compassionate and made sure to ask our babies names. Little things I did not expect on top of the "big " issues at hand.

So now where do we go from here. I don't know. We may never have an answer. But, at least at this point I know we have a wonderful team of doctors and researchers working to find one. And we have a little miracle sitting in her first grade desk right now that is proof that the 80% chance is a great one.