When Sam started OT in January she couldn’t function. After a month of low grade fevers, leg pain and exhaustion she started with new symptoms.
. She was paralyzed with fear, unable to eat, unable to walk or move freely. She had lost the ability to run, jump and walk normally. Terrified of stores, restaurants and strangers. She lacked the ability to walk up stairs and would freeze with fear attempting to go down them. She couldn’t sleep alone and seldom was able to be alone at all.
Occupational Therapy was recommended by her therapist who saw what she was dealing with was much more than anxiety. Meeting her OT , Sarah, changed so much for our family. As an Occupational Therapist her goal was to help Sam retrain her brain and muscles, while allowing her to play. For our family she gave us hope, searched for answers and always made things the best they could be for Sam.
In the beginning of this journey they worked on sensory skills, moving past fears and using her body. For a few weeks she brought her stuffed animals and mom. For a few months mom went back and eventually she went back on her own. She worked on her balance, her muscles, her tactile sensory skills.

When we started Sam couldn’t sit on the floor. For weeks Sarah helped her gain the confidence to sit on the floor and get up using games and toys. She never rushed her, never made her uncomfortable and always was a positive light in such a terrible situation.
For Four months Sam came twice a week and then the last few months once a week. January through June working hard to get back.
OT has become a safe space for Sam throughout all of the trials the last year. Even with getting better and then getting much worse again, therapy was something she looked forward to weekly. With multiple specialists visits at the hospital and never finding an actual diagnosis, Sarah has always been proactive and helped explain the parts of OT and how it would help Sam. When we found Sam had very high inflammation markers, swollen knees and needed Naproxen to help her Sarah was supportive and continued to keep Sam moving forward.
Sam has come happily and confidently each step of the way. It has been so rewarding watching the changes and successes she has accomplished. It has means more than I could ever explain.
Occupational Therapy was the service that Sam went to ABC Pediatric Therapy for, but she got so much more than that. She found herself again. She trusted a stranger when she didn’t even trust herself. She formed a relationship that I have promised her we won’t let go.
Today she walked into her once a week OT for the last time.
She and I both can’t help but to be a little sad. This place has become a second home to Sam and she absolutely loves all of the therapists she has come into contact with each week. She has gone from her lowest low to now her highest high with the help of Sarah. There have been multiple doctors, specialists, medications and therapists involved in her journey but, Sarah has made her feel heard. She has been a safe space, her happy place and a part of her life that created a positive spot even on her hardest days.
As a mom, I will be forever grateful for having someone listen to me. When I was scared and things were so unknown, she listened. She researched and searched for answers. We worked together to help Sam the best we could.
37 therapy appointments.
Now today is Graduation.

Sam may come back for sessions this fall to help her through changes or God forbid setbacks.
Regardless we know Sarah is stuck with us forever. So grateful for this therapy office right down the street that we never really noticed before.
Life is tough, but this girl is tougher.
So proud of our girl and all that she has battled through and accomplished.
She is back.
She is running, jumping, swimming and 100% her sassafras self.
Outgoing, friendly, full of energy and a complete goofball. We are so incredibly thankful everyday to have our Sam back. For awhile we were scared we would never see her again and count our blessings every single day.
She has bloodwork, ultrasound, eye appointments and her Rheumatology appointment coming up as well as an appointment at Linder center with a doctor who acknowledges PANS and PANDAS tomorrow. Please keep the prayers coming.