Monday, January 5, 2015

He is Gone...

The inevitable heartache has arrived. After weeks of knowing, preparing and dreading it happened. An answer finally came from court today and Meech went to live with his aunt. 
After a phone call telling us they would pick him up in a half hour I put my foot down. I said NO- he is not leaving without saying goodbye to our family. So sis brought the kids home early from school and Tj came home.
 His caseworker was supposed to pick him up, but by the grace of God she was called back to court. So in one turn we were able to avoid her and be able to drop Meech off ourselves.
It gave us time to stop and say goodbye to Nate Granny and a few more hours with him. 
Most importantly it gave our kids the opportunity to meet "nana". 
When we arrived at our meeting spot we had time to sit in the car together and play and snuggle.
When Nana arrived she was so happy to see him. As we got out of the car Anna and Wy were greeted by Nana with open arms to them. She hugged them both and was so kind. She then hugged me and thanked me again. As I handed Meechie over to her he looked at me and began to cry. I told him I loved him and had to walk away. Tj helped Nana's fiancĂ© to pack all of his stuff into their car. The fiancĂ© shook TJ's hand and thanked him or everything. These little things will help in the coming days and weeks. 
We all cried on the way home. Tj immediately took the carseat out and took down his bed. As I sit here it is surreal that he isn't here. Finding buzz light years, diapers and little reminders at every turn. 
As much as we know he will be okay
As much as we know his family loves and wants him
This pain sucks. 
Being without him is awful. 
Grief is the only word that can begin to describe it. 
Having loved someone so much for so long what else could we expect. 
Thanks so much for all of the love and support. 
For a community that has lifted our family and Meechie up in prayers. 
We will forever love this boy and forever be grateful for our time with him. 

Forever and always in our hearts and prayers.... 

We love you Meech. 

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